Quest for the Holy Grail Nov 10, 2018 to Nov 11, 2018 TXR Paintball Awards: XO ("Tex") Attendees: Dan "Mayhem" Tecson Dave "Tex" Tecson Roland "VooDoo" Rosales David "Buddha" Gonzales David "Flaco" Cruz Ashley "Raven" Villarreal Emile "Snax" Payne Santiago "Pyro" Cortez Dillon "Rabbit" Tecson Isaac "Taps" Gonzales Chris "Havoc" Villarreal Marcus "10k" Lovito Leo "Ghost" Pineda Dino "Littlefoot" Cortez Scott "Jango" Jarquin Ken "Doc" Benedict Cooper "Stitch" Benedict Matthew "Saloon" Bilke Eli "Apollo" Lledo Rene "Hina" Ortiz Kristie "Shadowcat" Wendt